Soul-Full Manifesting - Mini Course

Unlock The Missing Pieces to Manifest Success, Prosperity and Fulfillment


Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Download Soul-Full Manifesting Blueprint here

Who is Jessica and why is she the best person to take you on this journey?

Jessica's mission is to help you transform your life and your business in every way possible. Her broad knowledge allows her to create programs that are not only insightful and empowering but that also provide specific strategies, tools and techniques that are actionable.

“It is not just enough to gain knowledge and insight,” she says “It is what you do with it. How you move forward depends on the actions you take.” Jessica is well aware that it is the fear of change, the fear of becoming someone extraordinary and the feeling of being overwhelmed that culminate and hold people back from taking action. Jessica has helped her clients to overcome their internal barriers, create actionable strategies and meet their own desired goals.

Jessica realized that the way we approach mindset issues as well as conventional mental and emotional health is extremely limited and keeps most clients on an unhealthy roller coaster of crisis, which never actually heals the symptoms or the issues.

Jessica is known as a therapist, counselor, healer, energy worker, intuitive; there are many titles to describe what Jessica does. But at her core, she is an artist, weaving together the profound insights and soul-full reflections that life has to offer to humanity and to you.

She thrives in helping each person paint and understand the tapestry of their soul so that they can learn to live each brush stroke, each note, each word in a growth oriented and fulfilling way.... in a way that makes each heartbeat sing.

Jessica helps her clients through their personal soul searching, healing, understanding and self acceptance to  embrace the Universal truth that creates deeper, soul-full, living by learning to embrace their emotions instead of run from them.

She combines her 16 years of working experience and her background as a registered psychotherapist and counselor with graduate degrees in Psychology, Homeopathy and Spirituality to serve as a healer and intuitive. Using different energy modalities and her expertise in metaphysics - after working with world-renowned intuitives and mediums - her passion is helping you rediscover or perhaps discover for the first time how to take control of your emotions once and for all.

The truth is, you too are a healer and an incredible entrepreneur (but you might not know it yet). Together, we’ll get past your anxiety, anger, and sadness - not merely cover it up - so you can be the best version of yourself and start living your life’s true purpose.


Understanding Manifestation and The Importance of Building A Strong Foundation


When Emma first started working with me, her life had just collapsed. She was not working, she was scared to leave her home and she struggled with getting herself to do anything but sleep. 3 weeks after starting her Manifesting Journey, Emma improved her mood, her health and her social life; 12 weeks into her journey, she was working her dream job and today, Emma now lives in the house she had always dreamed about.

How was it that she manifested everything so quickly and steadily?

We worked on creating strong foundations for her before we moved onto actually manifesting her dreams. If we had done it the other way around, her nervous system would have sent her into a fear response which would have made things much worse and taken her longer to manifest. In fact, she may have never gotten there because her nervous system and the beliefs, thoughts and emotions attached to that would have held her in a state of not believing that she could achieve her goals.


The Myths Of The Law Of Attraction & How They Hinder You From Achieving Success

Everything Is Energy

How Quickly Can Energy Shift?

Using Your Emotions For Success

How Your Nervous System Affects Manifesting

Foundation 1: Reset Your Nervous System To Prepare You For Successful Manifesting

You cannot create from a stressed or hyper-aroused state. If you try, your body will most likely take you back to old fears and patterns and will not allow change to happen. Trying to create from a stressed state will only bring in more stressed and it is not possible to tap into the universal consciousness and energy through stress. The calmer your nervous system is, the easier it is to get into the subconscious mind and start reprogramming brain pathways. It is also the access to the energetic world and therefore makes it easier to shift energy quicker. (At this stage, when we are talking about shifting energy, we are truly talking about shifting the beliefs that don't serve you as well as thought patterns, emotions and old ways of doing things that are holding you back from where you want to go.) Once we understand how to do this, we can change our energetic state, frequency and vibration easily and consistently.

The Hyperarousal States & Emotions During Crisis and Change

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Start paying attention to your 2 types of emotions and notice when you are feeling a hyper-arousal emotion vs a hypo-arousal emotion. Eventually we want to be able to feel the difference and help our body calm itself down so we can continue thinking logically and create a positive manifesting experience.

  • Action Step 2

    Can you start noticing when your body kicks into high gear for no “real” reason?

  • Action Step 3

    When your hyper-arousal emotions kick into high gear do you generally feel as if you get strength, speed or stamina or all three?

  • Action Step 4

    Can you notice when your rational brain starts to shut down? Start paying attention to the feelings and the thoughts.

  • Action Step 5

    Can you start noticing and writing down your thoughts; especially as you feel the emotions start bubbling up? This will help you when we start to look at belief systems.

What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Do you remember how emotions were used in and by your family? Have you learned how to “not pay attention” to your emotions? Were emotions stuffed and ignored or were they explosive?

  • Action Step 2

    Write down what your physical signs symptoms are when you go into a hyper-aroused state? Start at the top of your head and go down to the tips of your toes? You may not feel the smaller sensations when you start, but these symptoms become clues that we want to learn to pay attention to.

  • Action Step 3

    How do you think you would feel if you were able to become friends with your emotions?

Relaxation vs. Distraction

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Do you tend to relax or distract yourself?

  • Action Step 2

    Are there things in the media (television, radio, spotify, movies, etc…) that put you into a hyper-aroused, emotional or low vibrational state?

  • Action Step 3

    Start paying attention to how different things in the media or things that you come into contact with on a regular basis make you feel.

How Do I Know If I'm Relaxed?

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    There is only one thing that can actually get us into a truly relaxed state. That is our breath.

  • Action Step 2

    If you are not using your breath correctly, you can actually create a hyper-aroused response.

  • Action Step 3

    In today’s world, we are in a stress state most of the time and your body does not know how to handle this. What that means is that your hyper-aroused system will take less time to reach it’s peak.

  • Action Step 4

    If you feel like it, try placing a hand thermometer on your finger and while we learn how to breathe, note the temperature increase by approx half a degree on your finger.

The Most Important Tool You Will Ever Learn

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Take a moment to pause this vide, go to the mirror and take a deep breath in front of the mirror. Watch where your breath goes and what part of your body moves as you take a deep breath. Then come back and start the video again.

  • Action Step 2

    Put your hands on your belly and when you breathe in you should feel your belly pushing your hands out, when you breathe out, your bell will relax or collapse. You can also try to do this by lying down and putting a book on your belly and pushing it up and down.

  • Action Step 3

    Stand up and touch your toes, relax your head and breathe while you are bent over. This is a fool proof way to get your breath to reach your belly. When you stand up come up slowly vertebrae by vertebrae. As you come up, can you keep your breath in your belly?

  • Action Step 4

    You may feel dizzy, lightheaded and/or start to yawn. This is normal and is just because your body is not used to having so much oxygen reach deep down into it. If this happens, sit down and take a break. Do not overdo it. Overdoing it will not help you, it will sabotage you!

Practice Retrains The Body, Mind and Soul

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Practice makes perfect. Find ways to practice breathing every day. This does not have to take a long time.

  • Action Step 2

    If you forget to practice breathing, program it as a reminder into your smart phone at regular intervals. It will remind you and you will start creating a new habit.

  • Action Step 3

    Practice breathing while going to sleep, especially if falling asleep is difficult for you. Put your hand on your belly and breathe. It will work to relax your body and prep you for a good sleep, which we need if our body is going to come out of the hyper-aroused state.

Trauma, Change and The Body (why you may be struggling with meditation or relaxation)

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Take note that depending on how much trauma or crisis we have experienced in our life, slowing your body down and relaxing may feel extremely uncomfortable. It may take a bit more time and patience for your body to learn how to trust this world again. That is normal and that is fine. You do not need to push yourself, in fact pushing yourself may be a detriment.

  • Action Step 2

    If you are feeling significant discomfort while relaxing, let me know so I can help you through and guide you.

Foundation 2: Understanding What Your Emotions Are Trying To Tell You & How They Can Help You Create

Your Emotions Are Only Trying To Talk To You

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    The more time you make to spend with your emotions, the quieter they will become. Feel free to sit, listen and talk back to them.

Negative Brain Vs. Positive Brain

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    The more hyper aroused our system is, the louder the negative voices will be.

  • Action Step 2

    Start paying attention to both the negative and positive voices and start talking to and listening for the positive voice more and more.

Foundation 3: Changing Understandings - Realizing Your Backwards Beliefs

Intro To Backwards Beliefs

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    We are never taught to question our beliefs. We are going to start to pay attention to them and questioning them now.

  • Action Step 2

    Start to notice which beliefs empower or dis-empower you.

Starting To Locate Your Own Belief Systems

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Start paying close attention to your the physical sensations in your body and the thoughts that come with them.

  • Action Step 2

    Write your thoughts down. Once they are written down, it is easier to look at them objectively and we want to start looking for the patterns.

Digging Down Into Your Belief System

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    Start to write down and notice the belief systems that you are using.

  • Action Step 2

    Pay attention to the full story that you are telling yourself. Noticing what your thoughts are telling you to make it easier to dig down to the beliefs.

  • Action Step 3

    Start paying attention to the times when you say to yourself “this always happens to me” or “this never happens to me”.

  • Action Step 4

    Keep a notebook or a place in your phone to write everything down. It is much easier to remember, to see the patterns and to understand when things are written down.

  • Download "Backwards Beliefs: 10 Most Common Backwards Beliefs"

    Click here to get your guide to the 10 most common backwards beliefs and what you can do to start shifting them.

Two Exercises To Start Filling Your Toolbox With

Learning To Trust The Universe

Learning To Listen To The Universe

Action Steps

  • Action Step 1

    The more we learn to calm down our nervous system, the easier it will be to meditate. You cannot meditate wrong. Sitting in silence is meditation. Watching ducks on water is meditation. Driving on uncrowded highways puts you into a meditative space. Meditation is something we do very naturally, we just are not aware of it.

  • Action Step 2

    It is normal for your mind to wander during meditation. That is ok. Let them and then you can gently bring them back when they are ready.

  • Action Step 3

    Guided Meditations often provide us with a focus that helps to guide our mind and relax our body. These meditations often have a specific purpose behind them.

    These can sometimes act as distraction instead of true meditation so you have to be careful. One way to tell if they are distraction is if you find yourself getting bored of them and need to change them regularly.

  • Action Step 4

    Silent Meditation with Eyes Closed. These can be challenging at first, but are well worth the practice. They will take you to new states but often take a little time to settle into.

  • Action Step 5

    Silent Meditation with Eyes Open. These allow you to be one with a different awareness than when your eyes are closed. It allows you to be fully present in the moment and presents you with a state that – with practice – you can carry into your everyday life.

  • Action Step 6

    Pick a time to meditate

    Pick a Meditation to start with

    Meditate Daily (set a timer for 20 minutes to start and you can increase this over time if wanted)

    ***too much meditation can push us into this journey faster than we are ready for, which is not a good thing, so I don’t recommend meditating more than once (maybe twice) a day if you are just starting.

  • Action Step 7

    Links to some guided meditations and Binaural Beats which help your brain relax –

    Link to Binaural Beats (choose whatever resonates with you)

    Joe Dispenza Meditation – and

    Jon Kabat Zinn Mediation –

If  you haven't scheduled a call with me yet and would like to discuss how you can continue to go Deeper into this journey to create a mindset built for success, click this link 

  • Now that you have learned the basic foundations to manifesting, let's fill that manifesting toolbox for success...
  • Delve deeper into your belief systems, thoughts and behavioral patterns using the support of Universal Laws and giving you all the pieces you need to create a full picture...
  • Learn how to ask the Universe for what you want...
  • Access your unconscious tapes...
  • Energetic healing tools to help shift energy quicker...
  • Strengthen your own intuition...
  • Integrate the tools into your body, mind and soul...
  • Access Support like never before...
  • Empower yourself and your team for more succes!

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